Our ad is a parody of a tourism ad for historic sites in Virginia. It’s placed somewhere around the 1930s-1940s (after the sites I mentioned would’ve opened) and the main thing about this ad that is supposed to place it in time (outside of the things I mentioned being open) is the racism and Virginia-centrism. I proclaim George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to be the greatest presidents, and that Virginia was the birthplace of the U.S. Both of these are parodying the idea that some Virginians had (and still have) that Virginia is the United States in some meaningful way. And then of course I say stuff like Robert E. Lee being an infallible general, war of Northern aggression, Battle of Fredericksburg being a victory for Virginia which comes down to the prevalent Lose Cause mythology. We even bring up the romance of the old south, basically fully embracing Gone With The Wind type stuff. Also we thought it would be funny to frame the ad with a set-up for fundamental rights being disrupted only for them to be revealed as aliens after the racist ad plays (also as an homage to War of the Worlds broadcast). So this is kind of an amalgamation of a bunch of stuff not really directly related to a specific ad, but the time in which an ad like this would’ve taken place, and we had a lot of fun with it, as you can probably tell.
Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. “About Mount Vernon.” Accessed February 26, 2025. https://www.mountvernon.org/about.
Virginia Historical Society. “Monticello.” Accessed February 26, 2025. https://virginiahistory.org/research/collections/garden-club-virginia-historic-restorations-project/plantations/monticello#:~:text=After%20Jefferson’s%20death%20and%20the,save%20this%20historic%20American%20treasure.
Virginia Historical Society. “Stratford Hall.” Accessed February 26, 2025. https://virginiahistory.org/research/collections/garden-club-virginia-historic-restorations-project/plantations/stratford-hall.